Another Country
- Can you write your own fact file independently about another country?
- Can you write a postcard?
- Can you use your phonic knowledge when working on phase 3 and 4 phonemes?
- Can you read and write HFW?
Understanding of the World:
- Can you use a simple map?
- Can you draw a simple map?
- Can you talk about different culture and religion?
- Can you explore climate in different countries?
Physical Development:
- Can you run our own forest school activities?
- Can you form most of our letters correctly?
- Can you use simple tools effectively and safely?
- Can you take part in PE and move with skill and control?
Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
- Can you share resources?
- Can you solve disagreements?
- Can you be resilient?
- Can you be kind and helpful to our friends?
- Can you use our Core Christian Values when playing with our friends?
- Can you use the Numicon resources?
- Can you talk about similarities and differences in currency?
- Can you talk about distance to other countries?
- Can you talk about how time is different in other countries?
Expressive Arts and Design
- Can you draw a map?
- Can you draw and paint pictures of another country?
- Can you make a clay model?
- Can you explore music from different countries?
Communication and Language:
- Can you talk about other countries?
- Can you ask and answer questions about countries you are interested in?
- Can you say key words in another language?